Alpha-PVP, a fairly new drug created in laboratories also known as "flakka" or "gravel," has been seen throughout Florida in the past year. This synthetic drug is highly addictive and cause hyperthermia, aggressive behavior and adrenaline-like strength. It has largely become a substitute for crack cocaine in Florida, and it has contributed to 29 deaths in the southern region. In 2014, the Drug Enforcement Administration collected 2,920 involving seizures of flakka from federal, state and local forensic labs. This unpredictable substance is clearly making waves in the Sunshine State, and it is a threat that must be quashed.
If you end up trying flakka, you could very well land yourself in a downward spiral of addiction. Since it is made in laboratories, there's no telling what other chemicals could be inside it. Drug rehab Tallahassee can help you take control of your addiction, call today.
Treatment is needed for a wide range of psychoactive substances, including alcohol, prescription medications, and illegal drugs. Drugs of addiction can be categorized in a few main ways, with treatment centers offering different programs based on type of addiction and drug action. For example, some substances produce a physical-somatic withdrawal syndrome upon cessation of use, with others producing an emotional-motivational syndrome. Physically addictive drugs include alcohol, heroin, oxycodone, morphine, Xanax, Valium and Klonopin. Most other psychoactive drugs are capable of producing psychological dependence, with hallucinogens a notable exception. Psychologically addictive drugs include marijuana, cocaine, methamphetamine and a range of prescription stimulants.
Psychoactive substances can also be categorized according to their action on the human body, with some drugs known as central nervous system (CNS) depressants and others known as CNS stimulants. Depressants are more likely to be associated with physical dependence, including alcohol, heroin, opioids and prescription sedatives. Stimulants include cocaine, methamphetamine, and prescription amphetamines among others. While there is a third class of drugs called hallucinogens, including substances such as LSD and DMT, these substances rarely cause either physical or psychological dependence. Some treatment centers specialize in a particular drug or class of drugs, with others offering a full range of services.
Drug treatment Tallahassee can get you back on your feet and on the road to sobriety. Visit us today, and attend a Tallahassee Narcotics Anonymous meeting ( to bond with fellow addicts and find a sponsor.